Everyone has a bucket list in their head, even if you haven’t taken the time to write it all down. It’s the things we’ve wanted to do since we were kids, the things we’re interested in completing before we die and the dreams we spend years dreaming into reality. Some items on your bucket list can be simple things, some can be social norms that you want to check off and some can be dream big adventures that you want to have. So here we’ve compiled our travel blogger bucket list. We hope that this brings you some inspiration.
During our Burgers and Bucket list date night, we actually took the time to write down our bucket lists. For more on how to get inspired to create a bucket list, check out our post here. The benefit of writing down our bucket list as travel bloggers is accountability. Many people will tell you that if you write down a goal, you’re more likely to make it happen. We’ve taken it one step further and are now posting it here for you to read and follow along with. As we check off our bucket list goals, we’ll update our bucket list here for you to read about our experiences.
We did take the time to put our travel blogger bucket list in order. Some people like to do this and some people don’t. We think that putting our goals in order helps us to prioritize what is important. So when we have spare, money/time/adventurous spirit we have an easier time choosing what to do. We hope you enjoy reading and hope you get inspired to create your own!
Paula and Scott diving - Photo credit to the professional photographers on Reef Encounters
1. Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef – COMPLETE
This has been on my bucket list since before I could write a bucket list down. I had this amazing atlas of endangered animals growing up and I remember being so impressed with all the amazing colors that animals of the Great Barrier reef have. And as simple as that, I made this my #1 life goal. We got scuba certified in the winter in Wisconsin. Then, for our fifth wedding anniversary, we made our way to Australia for three weeks. While there, we spent two days diving the Great Barrier Reef from a liveaboard vessel. It was amazing!
2. Visit Iceland – COMPLETE
We spent two weeks driving all around the land of Fire and Ice. Read all about it here. From the famous Ring Road to charming puffins spotting towns, Iceland has something for everyone.
3. Have a close encounter with a cheetah
4. Eat the best gelato in Italy
5. Visit all 50 US States
We’ve so far visited 23 states together as a couple. Paula has visited 40 on her own and Scott has visited 30.
6. Own a vacation home
7. Watch the sunrise and set over different coasts in one day
8. See an octopus scuba diving
View from Home
9. Own a house on a Lake – COMPLETE
When we moved to Wisconsin, we used to drive around a lake and look at all the pretty houses and think that someday we’d have enough to buy a lake house. Little did we know that the first time we went house shopping we would visit a beautiful lake house that was in our price range. While two months, some heartbreak and a great realtor later, we now own that lake house. We’re currently building our armada and loving living where other people vacation.
10. Eat chocolate in Switzerland
11. Retire
Check back in with us in 2045.
12. Visit Antartica
13. Dip a toe in every ocean
So far we’ve visited the Arctic, Southern, Pacific and Atlantic. Indian to go!
14. Hike rim to rim of the Grand Canyon – COMPLETE
This was one of the most challenging things we’ve done and also one of the most rewarding. Read all about this amazing hike here.
15. Fish the Amazon River
16. Stay in an over water bungalow
17. Shake hands/trunks with an elephant
18. Drive a supercar – DONE
This was a great Valentine’s day present. Scott drove two supercars (really fast) around a race track in Las Vegas.
So technically speaking, we didn’t complete this one. However, after seeing this gallon of ice cream plus toppings on the menu, I made myself an eating challenge. And the misery I felt afterward was worth it to check this one off of the list.
24. Climb Machu Picchu
25. Sleep in an ice castle
26. Shoot the African 5 with our cameras
27. Take a twinning picture with our look alike animals
28. Visit Mammoth Cave
29. Live in another country for at least a year
30. Skydive
31. Drive Route 66
This is one of the wackiest road trips. Paula and her mom completed this one and Paula will take Scott along someday.
32. Climb a mountain
Arches National Park
33. Visit every US National Park
We are well on our way to accomplishing this one.
34. Drink a beer in Germany
35. See the Northern Lights
Scott has managed to see them when working in northern Canada. Paula is still waiting.
36. Eat a pastry under the Eiffel Tower
37. Go deep sea fishing
38. Kiss in a hot air balloon
39. Be debt free
No credit card debt – check. Still working on those insurmountable student loans…
40. Go to a championship sporting event
41. Read the Bible from cover to cover
I’ve started it twice and always get stuck at the “begot” sections.
42. See the Pyramids in Egypt
43. Learn to surf
44. Swim in a natural hot spring
45. Get paid to travel
46. Home brew beer – COMPLETE
Okay, so it’s not beer. But after becoming bee farmers, we’ve started brewing mead. Oh the hobbies we took up during COVID-19 lockdown.
47. Take a Mediterranean road trip
48. Take a helicopter ride over Hawaii
49. Order a meal at “market price” without asking the price
Black Beach - Lake Superior
50. Swim in all of the Great Lakes – COMPLETE
As Michigan natives, and lifelong Midwesterners, we have both completed this one throughout the year. Do you want to know what our favorite is? We love Lake Superior for the amazing views and Lake Michigan for the amazing beaches.
We hope that these travel blogger bucket list items have inspired you and will motivate you to create your own bucket list. Remember to check back on our bucket list experiences to see how they went.